18 definitions by Squatdog

1) a non-alcoholic cola beverage made by the Coca-Cola company
2) "had some Vanilla Coke" - to lick semen off a penis that has just been packing fudge.

See Cherry Coke
1) "Wow, V-Coke is the greatest

2) "sheezus kariisht, i was jusht at my boyfriends, and i was drinking Vanilla Coke all day
by Squatdog December 5, 2003
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slang term for McDonalds family restaurants. Macky Dees usually tastes like shit and is hardly fit for human consumption.
yo, me main man, I iz goin down to macky dees for a feed, yo.
by Squatdog January 16, 2004
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argh, dont touch me you dirty spetz naz artist!
by Squatdog November 27, 2003
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1: to Masturbate - usually to pornography or when one is bored
I pulled up the pron and had a maz
by Squatdog November 8, 2004
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The Engine of a car, usually a V8 351 Windsor Ford engine.
Pull the donk out and replace it fool!
by Squatdog October 28, 2003
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an idiot who tags definitions as "inaccurate" or "offensive" because they don't understand the concept of Urban Dictionary being OFFENSIVE SLANG.
user: "huuuh hhuh, i dont like the term of 'nigger' coz its racist, even tho black people say it too...huhhh uhhhuh..."
by Squatdog January 6, 2004
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Someone who gets off over fantisising or playing with anothers (usually males) pubic region
"man, keep your pubic hands off my pubic region, pubic man you fag"
by Squatdog December 5, 2003
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