11 definitions by Kum-Twat

A mega whore, who is far beyond being simply called skeezer.
"Damn! Dat' bitch a nasty slut!"

"Yeah, That hoebag is like.. like... a chicken skeezer salad."
by Kum-Twat March 15, 2012
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Jim: Hey Frank, I hurt my back, do you happen to have any pain pills?

Frank: No, Jim, I don't carry bitch mints, but that scrawny looking Jew might have some. {Deep, mustached laugh}

Jew: D:
by Kum-Twat October 2, 2013
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That really fucked up poop that it is long, thin, and curvy. It looks like a damn tapeworm.
Today I thought I shit a tapeworm, but then I realized it was just my crap.
by Kum-Twat October 2, 2013
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A girl who you bang once, and move on to the next.
Yeah, that chick from the club was like a dollar store razor. Disposable. Tomorrow I'll just get her sister.
by Kum-Twat November 8, 2013
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Everyman's dreams. A pile of bitches!!!
John: Here about Mike?
Bob: No, what happened?
John: We will never see him again, his dream came true, he has found "The Hooker Pile"!!!!
Bob: I miss Mike.
by Kum-Twat October 1, 2013
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When someone pulls your underwear so deep into your ass crack it leaves stains.
Man... Tyler is such a bully! He gave me a brown wedgie so I had to get new underwear before lunch
by Kum-Twat October 2, 2013
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The act of Goodwill is stepping up and beyond the call of duty, by letting the hooker keep both the change and your sperm on a cold winter's day.
Man: You know what. You an ugly bitch and you look cold. Tell you what, you can keep the change and the baby gravy.
Hooker: Thanks mang, Goodwill is always appreciated!
by Kum-Twat October 3, 2013
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