4 definitions by GrownUpAssMan

An improved variation of Slap Bag, originating in Laramie, Wyoming. This game involves one party-goer pulling out a bag of wine, chugging from said bag, then enthusiastically yelling, "BEAVER! BEAVER!" Another party-goer is then obligated to shout out, "Wine Receiver!!!" Once this 'receiver' call is made, the original party-goer must toss, throw, or chuck the aforementioned bag of wine toward the receiver. The receiver will then catch and chug from the bag, shout out "BEAVER BEAVER," and repeat the action in perpetuity until the bag has been fully drained of its contents.
Party Goer 1: <pulls out bag of Franzia Sunset Blush and chugs a reasonable amount of wine>
Party Goer 1: "Beaver Beaver!"
Party Goer 2: "WINE RECEIVER!!!"
Party Goer 1: <chucks the bag of wine in a reckless fashion, barely reaching the vicinity of Party Goer 2>
Party Goer 2: <makes a magnificent one-handed snag after tip-toeing through a gasoline-infused bonfire and reaching between the chairs of two other innocent party-goers>
All Other Party Goers: "Wooooooo!!!!" (while clapping and cheering for Party Goer 2)
Party Goer 2: <chugs a slightly more healthy amount of wine from the bag than Party Goer 1>
Party Goer 2: "Beaver Beaver!"
Overly-Drunken Party Goer 3: "Wine receiver, BITCHES!!!"
Party Goer 2: <lightly tosses a perfectly catchable bag toward Party Goer 3>
Party Goer 3: <reaches for the bag, stumbles, barely touches the bag, and falls face-first into the lush (i.e., dry and yellow) Laramie grass>
<the wine bag falls innocently to the ground>
All Other Party Goers: "Oooooo..." (while snickering and shaking heads in a sign of immense social shame)
Party Goer 3: <gets up, picks of the bag, chugs, and the game continues>
by GrownUpAssMan April 27, 2023
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An extremely versatile word used by the lazy man to express one of the following: "trying to", "trying the", or "trying a". According to legend, this word has been used in countless text messages, resulting in exorbitant anger felt by significant others.
<in bed>
Boyfriend (we'll just call him Peter): Sorry, babe, I was tryna last longer but couldn't handle the pressure.
Girlfriend (we'll just call her Julia): *sigh* It's fine, Peter. Maybe next month.

<the next day - texting>
Peter: Sorry again about last night. :sadpuppyemoji: I was really tryna please you, but I guess my best wasn't good nuff.
Julia: I said IT'S FINE. Also, it's spelled "TRYING TO" - not "TRYNA"! Stop being so damn lazy!
Peter: Hey babe, I'm tryna best I can! I was even thinkin bout tryna kale salad next week, so we could have something in common!
Julia: Well I've been 'tryna' get you out of my house for over a year now, and that hasn't worked. I'm not getting my hopes up.

<later that night - coming home to Peter drinking a beer and coffee at the same time, while using Julia's movies and books as coasters>
Julia: Aw, fuck it. *shoots Peter*
Peter (in his dying words): I'm... still... gonna... be... tryna... haunt... you... at... the......... grocery store.
by GrownUpAssMan August 16, 2018
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A shorter (and cooler) way of referring to the Urban Dictionary. Given that everyone knows the furry little moron, Nibbler, telepathically told Leela the meaning of existence is 'to be cool' in an episode of Futurama called 'The Day the Earth Stood Stupid,' use of this terminology is vital to one's success in life. See also: 'The Urb' - especially in British Urban speak.

Of or pertaining to the Urban Dictionary.

The act of looking up a definition in the Urban Dictionary.
<conversation between two standard hippies just outside Boulder, Colorado>
Hippie 1: Man, I gotta say, man... like... this Urb is great. I already looked up two definitions before my morning breakfast at 3pm, man.
Hippie 2: Man, tell me about it, man... *takes hit from bong* what do you think like... the Urb definition for breakfast REALLY is, man?
Hippie 1: Whoa man... I like... never even thought about that before, man. Maybe we should Urb it sometime tomorrow after a shower or something, man...
Hippie 2: You serious, man? We can't shower - soap has like... harmful chemicals put there by the man, man!
Hippie 1: Oh yeah... man, I sure do love The Urb though, man... *takes hit from bong* people need more Urb in their life to like... know stuff, man.
Hippie 2: Amen, brother. *takes another hit from bong*
by GrownUpAssMan January 5, 2021
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When one listens to Lindsey Stirling on repeat for so long that one's dreams are haunted by intense electric violin/Dubstep background music, resulting in one's sleep being constantly interrupted.
You: I'm so tired, brosephs. This has to stizzop.
Your Coworkers: What's going on, dawg?
You: I totally got Stirlinged again last night - woke up at least thrice.
Your Coworkers: Dayum... you really gotta stop listening to Lindsey on repeat at work, home slice.
by GrownUpAssMan August 14, 2018
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