5 definitions by Funkdubious

Literally refers to all Caucasian Americans, but is often used to refer to whites who live in the suburbs or to white, rural middle-America. Because urban whites do not live in communities as raciallly homogenous as suburban or rural whites, they are often exempted from the definition of this word.

The movie American Beauty focuses on a quintessential white American home.
In a surprising turn of events, a number of elements from hip-hop culture have infiltrated white America.
by Funkdubious January 28, 2004
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To snort cocaine. Not to be confused with white dragon.
Bill rode the white dragon again today and now he's passed out and bleeding from the schnoz.
by Funkdubious January 21, 2004
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The left side of the triangle of bowling pins (i.e. pins 1, 2, 4, and 7). Generally applicable only when bowling in New York. Synonymous with Brooklyn, if one is bowling in Manhattan.
Shit, I hit it Jersey again!
by Funkdubious January 19, 2004
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A meaningless acronym which most often stands for "Oh My God What The Fuck Barbeque." It most likely originated on Something Awful (somethingawful.com). It can be interpreted simply as gibberish, or used when one wants to emphasize one's own incoherence, lack of understanding, or to mock others.

It usually has an air of mockery, specifically with regard to teenagers who a lot of use three-letter acronyms.
Example #1 (def: incoherence)

Computer Nerd #1: I mean, just because it's https doesn't mean it's fucking legit
Computer Nerd #2: Yeah, I'm sure those idiot script kiddies would love to get their hands on a secure server so they could grab some more AOL passwords before they hit up the child pr0n
Non Computer Nerd: OMGWTFBBQ please kill me

Example #2 (def: mockery)

Teenager #1: so i was all like, stacy, if u want a loser like steve for your boyfriend go ahead!!!!
Teenager #2: lol
Teenager #3: omg i can't believe u said that!!
Cynical Generation X-er: OMGWTFBBQ
by Funkdubious January 28, 2004
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Used to describe one who is tough, unscrupulous, and most likely involved in organized crime.
Man, that is one thug nasty motherfucker!
by Funkdubious January 21, 2004
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