11 definitions by Elevators115

It's a silver train with a little bit of blue and green and the metlink logo it runs in the Wellington Region as a commuter service it was built by Hyundai Rotem in between 2010 and 2016 it replaced the old reds and the ganz mavags
I'm taking the Matangi with my friends down to central wellington cus it's faster and way cooler than driving and I can hang out with my 20 person friend group lol
by Elevators115 June 17, 2021
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it's a electric commuter train it takes u to places and you can Snapchat and go on the gram to ya hearts content if you have a ticket and it makes a high pitch humming sound too
I feel like catching the ๐Ÿš‰ to the mall today so I can snap chat and check the gram
by Elevators115 July 20, 2021
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a funny but unofficial name for the public transport company Metlink
Let's take the Metstink train to wellington
by Elevators115 July 20, 2021
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that stupid dum ass WI-FI that you use to search up pointless shit for six hours it's slow as fuck and blocks just about everything
school Internet is so shit so that's why i dont go to school cus of shit wifi
by Elevators115 February 24, 2021
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a party where people come with a device with lots of music to hook up to a house sound system and play loud music to piss off the neighbours and stay up all night with the help of a lot of caffeine and junk food, also the music is very loud and annoying to old people because in the party there is a lot of teenagers that stay up for a fucking long time
time to piss off the neighbours and fill the fridge with tons of energy drinks by having a mp3 party all night.
by Elevators115 March 19, 2021
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literally what all teachers fucking say when you come in that one second late, the best way to get asked why are you late is to walk around the skool and then roll up to class like a savage and sit down and look at ur phone
Teacher: Why are you late again today
Teenager:CUS im a savage and thats what the cool kids do when it's class at least I came to School
Teacher: K sit down then and do ur work
Teenager: stfu IDC about shitty schoolwork
by Elevators115 June 17, 2021
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