4 definitions by DarkDaze.

Boxxyitis is a disease associated with the Youtube mega star, Boxxy. The symptoms include overusage of the word 'trollin', making annoying unnecessary noises, pausing a lot, looking around like a possessed four year old and 'falling in love' with people you meet online.

If you develop any of these symptoms after watching Boxxy, consult a health care professional.

If the symptoms persist, make sure you wear protective head gear at all times.
Doctor: It's too far on, there's nothing we can do...
Son: Bu-Bu-Buh-Buhh. Boxxy + Pockey = Lovveeee.

by DarkDaze. March 9, 2009
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Tracksuit wearing teenagers with greasy straightened hair, too much foundation and hardly any eye make-up. The girls have choppy hair dyed crappy colours that make you think of underage prostitutes and the guys have badger dye jobs and mullets or just annoying spiky, gelled creations. They're obsessed with Rihanna, Chris Brown, Pussycat Dolls and all forms of bad/dance music. They're usually incredibly racist/facist/conformist and the discriminate against people who are in any way different. They smoke, drink, 'finger' eachother at 11. They represent 70% of Irish teenagers.
SKAG 1: Alri, ye know tha wet gurl in 2nd year?
SKAG 2: Yeah?
Skag 1: Oi shagged 'er last noi'.
by DarkDaze. February 25, 2009
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A snoregasm is a random fit of loud snorting in the middle of the night, noticed when sleeping over, or during a booty call.

The person snoregasming tends to have nasal problems of some sort.
Boy: I was sleeping with Jane last night and she started snoring really loudly outta nowhere!

Dude: Oh my god, total snoregasm.
by DarkDaze. March 9, 2009
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Personal Grill is just the cooler way to say braces.
Two of my friends coined the term.
Braces can only be called Personal Grills is said wearer is awesome enough...
Fiona is so cool with her personal grillll...
by DarkDaze. March 9, 2009
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