2 definitions by BurnzyBurns

1. Innovative martial artist who perfected Kung Fu and invented Jeet Kune Do. Famous for the feared "one-inch" punch. Acted in several martial arts movies as well.

2. To attack someone. Often in a crazed/retarded manner. Usually by someone who doesn't know what the fuck they are doing.
1. "That Bruce Lee movie I just watched sure was kickass."

2. "If you don't get your hand out of my pants I'll go Bruce Lee on your ass!"
by BurnzyBurns April 23, 2007
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A slut who is opportunistic, and realizes that he/she can make money off of their hobby.
"I lost my virginity to a prostitute, I wish it hadn't been my mom though."
by BurnzyBurns May 21, 2007
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