8 definitions by Aspirations

Here's how to know if your crazy or not:

If you talk to inanimate objects, you're not crazy. If you hear them talking back to you, THAT'S when you know you're crazy.
by Aspirations January 12, 2009
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If you ever look up 'Chuck Norris' in the Urban Dictionary, you will be bombarded with manly 'Chuck Norris can....' statements. Ya, ya, roundhouse kick, whatever. He's tough I guess. This is a sensible discription of Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is....
by Aspirations January 12, 2009
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An educational Nintendo DS game developed by a Japanese doctor named Ryuta Kawashima. It has various daily training programs that help you 'train your brain' and tips to improve your brain capacity. You can also take the 'Brain Age Test' which tells you how active you are of a thinker, 20 being ideal and 80 being the worst. Ryuta is the host in the form of a virtual floating head on the side screen, and is known to refrence the 'prefrontal cortex' quite a bit.
Brain Age:

Ryuta- Now here's a fun brain tip! Simulating daily routines can help activate your prefrontal cortex!
by Aspirations January 12, 2009
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1. Gnarled or tangled.

2. A twisting motion looks like a tied up man trying to wriggle his way out of the rope.

3. Something that's just plain messed up. A 'WTF?!' moment.
1. "This forest is creepy, the branches are all twisted and I see yellow eyes in the bushes!"

2. If you twist the lever, the secret door opens!

3. A pregnant man, now that's twisted.
by Aspirations January 12, 2009
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A horrible, extremely slow internet connection. With dial up your phone and computer use the same line.

Susie- I tried to call you but the line was busy!
Jane- Sorry, I was on the computer.
Susie- o_O
by Aspirations January 10, 2009
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A horrible, extremely slow internet connection. With dial up your phone and computer use the same line. Makes horrible screeching noises when logging on.

Susie- I tried to call you but the line was busy!
Jane- Sorry, I was on the computer.
Susie- o_O
by Aspirations January 10, 2009
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Most emos are fake, poseur losers. Often hang out with groups of other 'emos'. May or may not be homosexual. Wear skinny jeans and guyliner. Whine about life, write dark poems on LiveJournal, and cut themselves. It is scarce you will ever see a real emo. Youtube search 'The Emo Song', to learn more about stereotypical/poser emos.
I'm an emo kid, non-comforming as can be. You'd be non-conforming too if you looked just like me. I have dye in my hair and makeup on my face, I'm almost emo enough to start shaving my legs.

...Cause our dudes look like chicks, our chicks look like dykes, because emo. Is one step. Below transvestite!
by Aspirations January 10, 2009
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