6 definitions by Ape

leet, great and owning like hell. This is the stuff for RaGe.
by Ape September 1, 2003
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odd shaped statue of venus, thin, large feet
by Ape August 19, 2003
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a problematic individual, that steals REGARDLESS OF RACE
You blackass stop stealin' cheese from my fridge
by Ape January 5, 2004
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something that caused a 10 minute argument between a bunch of fucktards
<splint077> irish person is still irish
<Z> You're fucking morons
<GoKuh> splint is right.
<DarthMan> Not if he's a citizen. It's not that difficult
<Z> Your original citizenship is your nationality, idiots
by Ape January 12, 2003
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a wallaboo is a slang term for a nasty ass ho
look at megan, she is one hell of a wallaboo
by Ape March 17, 2005
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