A 3-person drinking card game. Each person will draw one card from the pile in the middle, and whoever has the card that falls between the two is deemed the "middle child", and therefor is required to take a drink. (Ex. one person draws a 3, one person draws a 7, and one person draws a Queen, the person who draws a 7 would have to drink). Aces are High.

If two of the people playing draw the same card, then they are "twinsies", and they are required to High-Five while the "Odd Child" has to take a drink.

In the rare case that all three members draw the same card. Everyone else who is in the room is required to take a shot.
Brit: I pulled an 5.
Alex: BROOOOO, i pulled an 8.
Zach: I pulled a King.

Brit: Alex, You're the Middle Child.....you have to drink.

That's how you play "Middle Child Card Game"
by MiddleChildDrinkingGame October 16, 2011
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