29 definitions by superiorbreed

refers to (noob) parents that are so overly cautious when their with their kid that they look at everybody that "looks like" they don't have kids and everything else around them as a potential threats to their child's safety to the point where it seems down right narcissistic because they shun other people in doing so just because they don't have kids.
a single guy see his neighbor and says hows it going the neighbor gives off a cautious vibe and looks down on the single guy so the single guy calls his neighbor a parental narcissist under his breath then proceeds to commit adultery with his neighbors wife on Monday
by superiorbreed August 21, 2018
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a thing people do during a conversation by placing their opinion on a subject that already has a fact behind it considering that you can't replace a fact with your opinion unless your an idiot
Ron was talking to Jeff about how he "thinks" that the sky should be green not blue then Jeff says but it's a fact that the sky is blue so you can't put your opinion stamp over an existing fact you dumbass
by superiorbreed August 24, 2016
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a typically poverty stricken area mainly governed by typical generic retarded people called gangsters who think that they own their "turf" but in

reality people aren't actually afraid of the hood because why live in the hood when you smart and and can move out of the hood instead of wasting 40 years of your life just taking up space on the earth you ain't proving your worth when you act like dirt
a smart dude in order to get to his destination has to pass through the hood
he gets stopped and asked by a thug yall kno where you are boi

the smart dude reply's yeah planet earth and runs them all over in stead of getting out of the car like a dumbass
by superiorbreed August 15, 2016
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the female version of a small dick which also could mean that the said female is a shallow person
i was day dreaming in my car while at a stop sign for 4 seconds and an suv passes by me coming from the other side of the road which snaps me out of my day dreaming and i see two 18 year old looking young women in the suv i look for 1 second with a neutral facial expression before i shift my focus back on the road in front because of the line of cars behind me and those 2 cunts thought i was staring in their direction because i was interested in them so when i turned my head they made fun of me and assumed i was scared of them or some shit but in reality i was just day dreaming i was like shallow bitches have shallow holes.
by superiorbreed July 8, 2018
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they like to talk an astronomical amount of shit towards every single passerby that walks past their pampered asshole that is practically prolapsing from last nights preteen pounding from their boyfriends and all of their boyfriends have the same cancer hat crew cut following all of them as they travel in herds and have zero independent thought processes which is completely brainwashed by pop culture.
teenage girl 1 shouts freak at a random passerby teenage girl 1 then walks away really fast thinking her 5 mile per hour trot will get her outta danger

random passer by charges at her knocks her unconscious and proceeds to violently beat the unconscious shit outta the teenage girl and teach her what her parents should have taught her not to mess with a 240 pound strong man who is having a bad day
by superiorbreed September 22, 2018
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a word used to describe weeboos that like moe culture
i was surfing the internet and found a site called moe paradise with pictures of anime cartoon pedophilia all over the banners and background then reported the site to the fbi and thought "these fuckin smoeflakes"
by superiorbreed August 11, 2018
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some one who spends their entire life n drugs and alcohol while caring too much about other people until they die at the age of 45 then will have everyone except their own parents mourn their death until 50 years later when science finds a way for humans to live another 1000 years and they aren't even around for it pretty sad
a passer by walks down the street who happens to just be enjoying the weather then a car zooms past and the driver shouts loser then they crash into a pole and die then the passer by shouts what a loser
by superiorbreed November 15, 2016
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