7 definitions by Slut

Throwing somebody down a well; thus causing their feet to kick themselves in the head due to their dislocated their femurs from trying to stop their fall.
I'm going to give you a job well done if you dont tell me who you'd rather have sex with...if you had to. Then maybe you'd get a spinal tap
by Slut December 6, 2004
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When Satan rips inside a body grabbing its spine and running his hand up and down it, thus breaking off all ribs and damaging several internal organs
Would you rather have a job well done, or a spinal tap? If you don't answer we get to kick you in the balls 10 times each.
by Slut December 6, 2004
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Adjective used to describe when it is very cold out.
Yo its brick!
Imma swipe this cat's north face, so brick out!
by Slut December 10, 2002
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John A Metcalf aka BoNE-JuGGerNauT
That Kunt BoNE-JuGGerNauT is a miniwhore
by Slut February 27, 2004
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old English word used in 1700s referring to a prostitute.
See the cullie on the corner?
by Slut March 7, 2005
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The smell that you can't figure out where or what the hell it is or where it came from.
I fingered that fat bitches ass with my thumb and it smelled like GAIWAN for three fuggin days!
by Slut May 5, 2003
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