47 definitions by Qit

1) A plush toy in the form of a bear cub.

2) A big, beefy guy who looks like he'd be fun to cuddle.
"The little boy fell asleep hugging a teddy bear."

"Abraham Benrubi is such a teddy bear!"
by Qit January 23, 2004
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1) If we are to believe the Bible, the prototype for humanity. Large, utilitarian, and fun to play with; however, being only human, not always rational.

2) A human male which is not neotenous. Surprisingly rare.
"If I ever get married, it's going to be to a man—not one of these bratty local guys!"
by Qit January 13, 2004
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A stereotypical geek; i.e. one who looks like the Comic Book Guy from "The Simpsons."
"Want to go down to the game store?"
"No, the owner treats everyone except his fellow fatbeards like hell."
by Qit May 8, 2005
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A little fuzzy rodent, superficially resembling a squirrel, which is raised for its thick (usually) gray fur and sometimes kept as a pet. Rare in the wild.
"If your chinchilla gets out of its cage again, I'm going to make gloves out of it. Capisce?"
by Qit January 21, 2004
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A guy who could be called a BHM, if he's cute enough. What every FFA wants to hook up with.
"I guess he's not bad-looking for a fat man."
"I'd say he's not bad-looking for an *anything!*"
by Qit May 8, 2005
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Someone who won't eat—at very least—mammal flesh. For some reason, this usually includes people who eat poultry and seafood as well as those who are almost completely herbivorous. (Someone who is completely herbivorous is called a vegan.)

Not necessarily any more healthy than an omnivore, but also not necessarily any more so.

Usually less annoying than vegans, but may hassle you over getting a hamburger instead of one of those garden patties.
"My roommate is a vegetarian. Accordingly, she's developed a killer mushroom sandwich recipe."
by Qit February 26, 2004
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Uncommon slang term. Means someone who's in favor of war, the death penalty, and birth-control-clinic bombings...but against abortion, birth control, increased funding for schools, and free daycare. Usually couldn't care less about affordable pre-natal care or maternity leave.

Basically, the result of thinking that pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are forms of punishment rather than part of the reproductive cycle.
"He's against abortion; doesn't that make him pro-life?"
"No; he supports the death penalty and says that bombing clinics is 'justified'...even if it kills women who are there for prenatal checkups. That makes him pro-lie."
by Qit March 3, 2004
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