14 definitions by K-WILL-SUE-YOU

DF LITERALLY MEANS "Duh Fuk"... I have nothing else to say about it, simple and easy.
"What DF is this?"
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU October 11, 2019
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Destiny Reap is when you're destined to ra-I-I mean "dominate" a woman(that doesn't like you but you like her) during a war, a school fight, etc.
YOU : Where's my friend?
HIM : Your friend and I had a Destiny Reep back their, if you know what I mean ;).
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU October 11, 2019
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It defines a person as a little misfit that acts young, regrets life too quickly regardless if he/she had potential or not, and is yet possibly beloved by a decent group of friends that want this person to live on and realize how pointless it is to crave death. If anyone tells you to end their misery, screw that! It's better to either help them or leave them.

This word is a combination of two words:
-Con, one of two common words used to describe the good(Pros) and bad(Cons) of things. It is also used to describe the assumed Disadvantage(s) of people.
-Misfit, One that's not like the other(s).
"Come on! We still care for you, there's no point being the Consfit of the group!"

"We will always be by your side ;)."
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU December 3, 2019
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A word that comes from people mishearing the word, Pianist. It was also known to be seen in one of the episodes of the

show, "Animaniacs". Instead of playing the piano you play with a PEEEEENI---(Gets Demonitized)!
Boy: What are you doing?!
Dad: Being a Peenist~~;)
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU October 22, 2019
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A acronym that all students in BOCES Computer Tech, APPARENTLY, need in order to remember two(REALLY EASY to remember words) Access Point(s). This can trick anybody into thinking that AP and the actual full name are different since AP sounds like something from a video game. C'mon there's BP(Battle Points) for one, CP for two, EP for three, AND SO ON! I get why PoE(Power over Ethernet) is an acronym because there are people that would love to shorten three words with Ethernet, a "good" learning requirement, as one of them, but who's LAZY enough to need ACCESS POINT as an acronym. That's BULLS-!
I NEED AP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU December 11, 2019
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It's Silver, Slick, and Sharp. EVERYONE LOVES THESE THINGS! THESE help you cut both OBJECTS and PEOPLE ;)!
"Hi Jerry, I you like to have "The Scissor" please, I need to teach someone.... How to cut CLAY!
What? H-huh? You thought I was gonna KILL that someone? NO-WAY! ~I'll never do tha-at!~(BIG.CREEPY.SMILEY.FACE)
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU December 9, 2019
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The Afterlife is, in a logical point of view, a(n) imaginary place. If The Afterlife is real, it would be a(n) inevitable, commonly active force in our universe or, if true, our MULTI-verse that reacts to the once living but recently dead force resonating in the corpse(s) of one, many, most, or ALL creatures. Once that Commonly Active Force reacts to a corpse:

1. Like how we civilians recycle, WE in general could be recycled or reincarnated, as the same species or a different one. And that reincarnation can take place in our world, or a different one, or from one to the other.
2. That corpses force could be revived in a parallel universe as the same person but in a different timeline, if there is one.
I know my parents will live on, because they'll be going to The Afterlife.
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU October 21, 2019
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