4 definitions by JT3JC

I actually despise water, but that makes sense--water is the black woman's kryptonite.
by JT3JC February 23, 2012
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Avoiding kissing a person to prolong a period of non commitment.
Guy One: You've got a date with Jess on Friday and Stacy next weekend?

Guy Two: Yeah, I guess I'll be pulling some kiss aversion.
by JT3JC January 20, 2010
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1. Multiple people who commit consistent douchebaggery grouped together
2. Several vaginal cleaning apparatuses
Saw a whole bunch of douchebags walking around wearing hollister and aviators yesterday

She had a rack of douchebags on her shelf; WTF?
by JT3JC November 9, 2008
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Too Long Still Read

is a gentle version that the person has read it,

nonetheless you'd like to give them a summary.
ex: "Long explanation you believe your friend read"
tlsr: "key info, gently and precisely cooked down to a tiny nugget"

TLSR is ok but small letters are gentler.
by JT3JC September 26, 2022
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