13 definitions by IQuarent


A cheap plastic trophy given to a young child that signifies no achievement whatsoever.
You kicked the ball! Yay! Have a trophy!

You failed to kick the ball and fell on your face! Yay! Have a trophy!

"My kid has stacks of these crappy Pee-wee trophies at home gathering dust..."
by IQuarent April 12, 2014
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A colloquial term for fellatio, otherwise known as a blowjob, or sucking penis. The name is taken from the idea of likening a male genitalia to a cigar and "smoking it", or placing one's mouth on the head of the penis, but is otherwise exchangeable with blowjob in meaning. Smoke Some Bone typically has heavy gay connotation.
Looks like Carl should let out some Steam; time for him to Smoke Some Bone.

Dude, you really have no idea how far Jimmy is in the closet, do you? That "straight" man Smokes Bones daily!
by IQuarent November 29, 2016
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Appt. Is the abbreviation for "appointment".

One of the many shortened words used in text speech.
person 1: hey dud watsup
person 2: notin much I got a denist appt. @ 4.
person 1: dud it's 4:15 rite now
person 2: OH $#!% I 4got abot sprig 4ward! gtg!

Person 1: ha ha ok good luck
by IQuarent March 16, 2011
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A place where impotent rage about a democratically elected president is deposited via snarky self-indulgent slang, typically invented by complete idiots.
Urban Dictionary has been the peak Trumping Grounds since 2016.
by IQuarent August 10, 2017
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A website that has words.
Urban Dictionary is a great website if you like looking at words.
by IQuarent August 10, 2017
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The term for a person who severly botches simple written words or sentences using a keyboard or phone. Used as colloquial slang suited for any time this occurs for any person, not a mental disorder of any kind.
Person 1: do yo rwaly thinl thats a giif idea
Person 2: What the hell are you talking about?
Person 1: Sorry, Typing Dyslexia

Person A: teh tim is right
Person B: Are you really using the overplayed 'teh' meme?
Person A: It's just Typing Dyslexia, calm the fuck down
by IQuarent October 24, 2016
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1. Similar to "Brother From Another Mother", this describes a female friend that has grown such a strong emotional bond with a different family that she appears to be or could be considered to be part of that family, despite having no blood relation.
2. A step-sister that has resulted from having two different fathers.
Suzy: I love Katie. She's my best friend and I couldn't live without her. My parents love her, too. She's my sister from another mister.
by IQuarent August 6, 2013
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