40 definitions by Ethan

One who, when eating a variety of canned tuna, ONLY eats the finest chunk or solid albacore. This person frowns on those who eat chunk light tuna, and may even vomit when he or she attempts to ingest this low class version of a truly high class food.
When Andi tried my chunk light tuna, she threw up a little in her mouth, exclaiming, "This shit is whack, give me my albacore!"
by Ethan April 25, 2005
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Eagle droppings. Most commonly found on windshields or door handles.
by Ethan May 19, 2005
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adj. To be great to the highest degree.
adv. To a very high degree.
That concert was extruvient!
Man, that chick is extruviently hot!
by Ethan November 16, 2002
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The opposite of yayuh.
Someone- "Lil Jon is one of the great scholars of the 21st century."
by Ethan April 1, 2005
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Four of the most vulgar words in the english language (ass, shit, damn, and of course, fuck) merged together to create the god of vulgarity. This word is used only when it is extremely neccesary.

(side not: the conversation below never actually happened, and the person named "trip" does not have a speech impediment, forcing him to talk like a complete idiot, hes is, above all, generally normal, and would not say this)
Trip: Hey! d1d j00 sEe the NeW fInAl FANTASyyy VIDe0?

Ethan: wow. ASDF noob.

Trip: NoOoOoO000oOo!!!1

Ethan: What the hell is wrong with you? I told you to ASDF!

Trip: *owned*
by Ethan April 9, 2005
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A woman that ain't gonna stress her man none.
Master P: You want half or you ready for the whole thing?
Ms. Peaches: You ready for the whole thing?
Master P: Shi...You ain't gonna change on a nigga, huh?
Ms. Peaches: (Tsk) No.
Master P: I'm gonna make you out my boonapalist ya heard me?
Ms. Peaches: Thats straight.
by Ethan January 27, 2004
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