erm,kind of difficult to trendie'ness' is found in all or most of us.I dont think that it is really very fair saying,a person wearing all of the latest 'paul and shark' gear is trendy,yes,they are,but a rocker has also followed a trend thru what they are wearing/listening to,unless they are able to make there own true original style,which,is a bit challenging in this day and age without looking/feeling completely silly.i use the word to describe people who'm wear and listen to,all of the latest,fashionable things.but this isnt really politically correct.most nu-metal fans or,people whom have recently jumped into the rock/alternative scene are,in my eyes,waywaywayway more trendie than somebody whom has always wore the latest fashions,this shows that they are easily influenced by what everyone else is doing,but,i rocker would never admit to being trendy,because it gos against what they believe in (or have been believing in,since they first heard the off-spring in 2003),and therefore,trendy.the person at the bottom of this page,or just above this post has the right idea................i think
easily influenced by your peers.
want to blend in with the masses/or your group of friends.
ooh,i like that trendy t-shirt/hair cut,ill get it my self.
by paul sproey May 15, 2004
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A word used to describe a person in most cases a woman with an oddly shaped or greatly out of proportion head or facial feature.
That woman's potato headed features consist of a large square chin large forehead and gummy smile.
by Webster Jaxburt March 13, 2022
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This thing on the body is not a living person and can't aim or walk
This Eyebrows is bad
by ArneLamp January 18, 2021
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A sport played by hiding behind giant balloons and shooting guns that fire a decorative substance known as paint.
Most paintballers are stuck up pricks who think that any other combat-simulating sport is for pussies.
by phatestpossibleasdf September 9, 2008
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speaks for itself really. lolly made of cum.
thanks for the cum lolly!
no problem, sharon
by Berek n Derekl September 28, 2017
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From my point of view, and my definition, the term asexual has some variations of definition. Asexual can either mean that you're not sexually attracted to people, meaning you don't desire anything sexual such as having sex, or asexual can also mean that you aren't attracted to anything. Nothing will 'trigger' feelings towards something or someone.
She was an asexual woman
She wanted a boyfriend but had no intention of any sexual relation, making her asexual.
by TheQuote January 12, 2015
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