10 definitions by Hogger

Better dining hall on the Northfield campus of NMH. Also a dorm full of horrible girls, (Marquand Girls), who are mostly all vegan.
"Hey, it's Donut Day in Marquand!"
by Hogger April 9, 2005
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Person who lives on the Northfield Campus of NMH, usually more into the Arts than athletics (unless the sport is Ultimate Frisbee). Sometimes described wrongly as smelly, dirty, bare-footed hippies, Northfielders are superior to their fellow NMH students, the Hermonites.
"I saw a bunch of Northfielders outside yesterday, playing Ultimate. I think that's all they do."
by Hogger April 9, 2005
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One of the dining halls on the Northfield campus of NMH. Less awesome than Marquand, but better than West Hall.
"Why are you eating dinner in Gould?"
"There's Health Food at Marquand."
by Hogger April 9, 2005
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Ridiculous 'unique' characteristic of NMH. Students muct complete four hours a week of 'community service' in any number of potential 'fields'. Kitchen, building cleaner, farm, library, mail centre, theatre, and many other possibilities. Pure hell.
"Wait, I can't go to the show tonight; 4-8 workjob in Gould."
by Hogger April 9, 2005
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NMH student resident to the Mount Hermon campus. Usually a stupid, smelly jock with the brain capacity of an eggplant. The natural rival of the Northfielder.
"A bunch of Hermonites got on the bus and tarded around for the entire ride. I wanted to kill them."
by Hogger April 9, 2005
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Place on Northfield at NMH where couples go to have sex. There is a group of pine trees (God knows who planted them there, or why they did) which is quite popular. Don't go in there if you don't want to see used condoms, and smell some pretty gross things. DL Moody and his wife are buried up there, but no one really cares. People pee on them, sometimes.
"How many Northfielders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
"None--they screw on Roundtop"
by Hogger April 9, 2005
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someone who wastes a lot of time on the job. Related to the expression "f*******g the dog"
John is a real dogger, he spends all his time talking at the water cooler talking to the girls.
by Hogger January 1, 2014
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