11 definitions by poopsmith

The time at which the bathrooms are most crowded, and not just the ladies room. Usually during intermissions and half time.
I had to wait an hour to do god's work... It was flush hour.
by poopsmith January 13, 2004
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When you go up to a party, get really drunk, and pass out on the toilet in mid-poop, causing the people to take you outside and hose you off.
That nasty pucket girl was just lying in her own shit. I was so disgusted. Ewwwwww
by poopsmith May 29, 2003
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doing something or experiencing something at such a level that it becomes annoying. (like listening to too much ska, or radiohead)
Dear sir/madam, Please desist said action because it's unbeleivably irritating. If this request is not met within an adequate amount of time, I will kill you with a rusty shovel"
by poopsmith June 16, 2003
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The feeling of climax you receive when taking a diarhea. Can result in multiple waves and multiple orgasms.
Oh shit dude, after about the second or third wave of diarhea I felt so great. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm I love my diarhea orgasms!
by poopsmith April 19, 2003
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My mother. She's got a badonkadonk that is 32 inches around the first cheek and 31 around the other.
Damn she is your mother, don't be saying that.
But she's the hottest freaken girl ever.
by poopsmith February 27, 2003
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When all the nation on Earth nuked the shit out of eachother. Afterwards what few survivors there were lived in caves in Montana and spent their lives chugging whiskey until Zefram Cochran built a space ship out of a missile and brought back really smart friendly aliens who fixed everything
by poopsmith October 25, 2004
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