24 definitions by Carmen

a "Burgers-Fries-Cola" joint found in DC, MD, and VA(possibly in other east coast cities). Quite possibly the best burgers and fries you can get short of being gourmet... beware, they are really big, and really greasy.
Person #1: Do you want to go to McDonalds or Arby's?
Person #2: Nah, let's go to Checkers.
by Carmen November 6, 2003
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hey im a gigelo. look me up in da porn mag
by Carmen March 19, 2005
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When you love someone, but as a friend, not in the romantic way.
Lub you, narf.
by Carmen March 16, 2004
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a sexual act done between two people
did you commit a bunky with your gf?
by Carmen January 24, 2005
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to be nosy; to annoyingly look at or comment about someone's food(how the food looks, smells... etc.); to ask who ask someone who they are on the phone with; to look over someone's shoulder when they are reading(books, magazines, computer screen... etc), to ask, comment, or pry into someone's personal life.
This phrase simply means that someone is bugging you about what is going on with you. The phrase is a playful way to tell someone to back off of you and to get out of your business.
This phrase is especially useful in the workplace where many people are in close quarters.
Example 1:
ADAM:(from the next cubicle): Wow... that smells good. What is that? Where did you get that from? Can I have a bite?
MARY: Dude, why are you all up in it?

Example 2:
MARY: Hey, was that really Sally that you just got off of the phone with? Are you still going out with her?
ADAM: Damn! All up in it!
by Carmen November 12, 2004
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Skeets the thin pant suits the make a skeet noise when you walk.
I got new Nike skeets yesterday
by Carmen April 12, 2004
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