A powerful hypnotic mystical being capable of great things.
Praise Yobama!
by WhoWantsCoffee? December 22, 2018
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the mix of former President Barack Obama and Yoda from Star Wars.
Yobama, my lord and savior... poured his milk before the cereal, and now we shall never speak of him again.
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Yobama the god of all gods. The sexiest creature to ever walk the earth. Your friends will tell you he isn't real but have faith! Have faith in the almighty Yobama for he has saved us all YOBAMA IS REALLL!......what the fuck am I doing with my life at this point.
Yobama.... no idea just use it whenever say some stupid shit act like a total nutcase and boom it's beautiful
by Dish_Soap December 24, 2018
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The result of cross breeding a Barack Obama and a Yoda
Keg- Alien
Boten- Human

Keg(Alien): "Take me to your leader"
Boten: "Yes Mr.Alien Sir"
Boten: "Master Yobama"
by LawnChairOfficial December 11, 2018
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The mysterious love child of Barack Obama and Jedi Master yoda. He can be seen in the Disney + show the Mandolarian and anyone who sees his African American sexiness instantly falls for him
Guy 1: I wanna fuck yobama!

Guy 2: Yeah who doesn’t
by GavintheMuffinMan December 9, 2019
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