Wicked but not quite wicked enough. The Diet Coke of wicked.
Brad is my wikk cool friend!
by Amy March 31, 2005
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To wikk= to chase with moth.
Kim: I'm gonna wikk you!
Me: NOOO!!! Don't wikk me! Anything but that!
by Sarah July 1, 2003
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A volitile type of personality, invasively obsessive compulsive. A know it all who does not think of reprocussions. Can be toxic in large quantities, and hazardous to mental health. May have hidden side effects.
Bob was being very wikke in his ignorance.
by Febreze9 June 16, 2009
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A: "Hey, what's the date of the first world war?"
B: "Wikk dat shit"
by supergrayoshie April 24, 2009
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