by eugenie March 1, 2004
by abultman December 12, 2006
A social crutch trash and people who managed to go through 12 years of English classes and still not figure out the language use.
by deadseye April 14, 2009
Hey dude i got some of those cookies and whatnot dude. They are awesome!
Hey man you need to get those new maps for your server and whatnot.
Hey man you need to get those new maps for your server and whatnot.
by Supah1337 February 12, 2008
A word used to portray a false intelligence, used by and idiot in place of "What have you" or Etcetera
Sometimes I like to read science newspapers and whatnot, and I'm telling you, figgs is made from dog balls!
by Whut not July 31, 2003
An amazing and awesome maneuver that defies any kind of reasonable description. Something that somebody does that is just to hard to describe, but it's pretty astonishing.
Contortionists and break-dancers, along with very skilled skateboarders, are adept at performing whatnots.
by Adel7 December 8, 2007