A kick ass person who is hooked on the most kick ass sport ever. Examples include Shaun Murray, Parks Bonifay, Dallas Friday, Danny Harf, Dean Smith, Darla Karsting, and Allie Cearley. It's all about dragging your ass out of the water to fly. Anyone who says it sucks was just to lame to get up.
"check out that sick wakeboarder throwing a tantrum, I'm going to show him up with my indie backroll"
by one of the elite November 13, 2004
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The equivalent of a snowboard to be used on the water. The rider is holding onto a rope and led by a boat. The rider may jump off of the wake of the boat.
by j00b November 27, 2003
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A sport of champions, ivolving a water skier using a large snowboard like ski, called a 'wakeboard'
Easy way to show of to the ladies
Guy - "I love wakeboarding, i go every weekend"
chick - "really?.........lets fuck!"
by wello boys forever!!! September 28, 2003
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ITS NOT A SKI! gawd! the origin of wakeboarding comes from "skurfing" which came from skiing and surfing combined. The style of the boar is closer to surfing and you are positioned more similar to a surfer rather then a skier. But the skiing part comes from the fact that you do have a boat towing you with a rope and handle, and that you have bindings. Wakeboards have many things that affect the board including, fins and whether you have them or not, the rocker (how far off the ground each side comes). The smaller the rocker the better the rider. Same with fins, no fins=difficult but no fins also=better rider. I for one have been wakeboarding since i was 10, and im 15 now.
The lake is glassy, it's a good time for wakeboarding.
by anniethebizitch May 25, 2005
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When fucking a babe from behind (like doggy) you take a wakeboard handle, put the part that attaches to the single rope around her neck and hold the handle while screaming “YEEWWWW!”
“I fucked that babe wakeboarder style”
“I totally tried the wakeboarder in bed last night... best sex ever.”
The wakeboarder is my favorite position by far” - every girl ever
by Only made the account for this September 25, 2018
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Watersport where a skier is towed behind a boat using a rope and is similar to snowboarding except on water. You can do sick tricks off the wake of the boat such as the tootsie roll, scaracrow, etc. It's the only tight watersport.
"Dude lets take you boat, hit the lake, and bust out some major air wakeboarding!"
by Matt August 19, 2004
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