A cunt who sleeps 20 hours within a 24 our day.
Dude, I just pulled a volpe.
by CookedCunt123 April 21, 2017
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When someone has reached that level of stupidity that you can't physically express it anymore.
When you give one of your bro's advice to get with an easy girl and he still messes it up. He's such a volp I can't man.
by Sheepasus August 8, 2020
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Synonym for idiot but 10 times worse.
Me & my girl were talking about the sun and she tried to explain me what tanning means like bruh you hella dumb sometimes. She is such a volp.
by ViralSexSheepy August 8, 2020
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A widdy biddy modewador uwu
i thought it was impossible for any one message to stand out as particularly worthless amidst the nigh-endless deluge of inane rabble that is the vast majority of this server, but this, this one message has literally (in the metaphorical sense) forced me to advance from my reticence to contribute to this guild. the silence following this message would communicate far more than i possibly could to any person who has advanced past the social awareness of a particularly inarticulate sea sponge, but, alas, although there are not many like this in the general population, there are many here, and you are one of them. and thus i must say that, frankly, this message is embarrassing, nay, cringeworthy.

by e23423432234243 May 24, 2022
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In the band Ludo. Has an incredible voice. Pro at guitar. Will take over the world someday, but everyone will love him because he will be a friendly dictator.
Were you at warped tour '08? Andrew Volpe and his band stole the show
by dl;skfg September 6, 2008
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The talented singer and songwriter of the St. Louis rock band Ludo. He has a very crazy personality, as shown through his songs and videos. It would also seem that he likes making igloos.
He and his band deserve more attention, for they truly are one of the best new(ish) bands I have heard lately.
Andrew Volpe is cute too, in a glasses and huge goofy grin kind of way.
by Sarza August 14, 2008
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Super talented and super nice lead singer of the up-beat geek-rock band, Ludo.
"If Ludo didn't open for Relient K last night, I think I would have blown my brains out at that show!"

"For sure, Andrew Volpe made that show!"
by shanzormasteroftheuniverse November 27, 2009
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