making up a word, and then using urban dictionary to try and get it to catch on.
my friends an idiot, he spent all of his day off urbdicting his stupid catchphrases
by Lord Damon Achuine March 8, 2009
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slang term for Urban Dictionary
*can also be used as a verb
Dude, I'm 100% serious, look it up on urbdict.
*Dude, I'm 100% serious, urbdict it.
by bpbpbpbp April 28, 2008
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What you type into Google to quickly get to
I can barely type two letters without typoing, so I always type as little as necessary to get to where I'm going.

Google search: urbdict I'm Feeling Lucky
by MC Mikey April 28, 2010
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where the misspelled version of a word appears at top of Google because it was first defined on Urban Dictionary
An example of an urbdicted word is burritagasm. It's the combination of the word 'burrito' and 'orgasm'.
by Emerson Crossjostle March 10, 2013
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A disease that originated from 1999 which progress over time and is most common from ages 10-30. The disease typically first occurs when someone had their first exposure to Urban Dictionary and progress over time to the point they became a complete mental retard.

The stages of urbdiction in order are:

1. Mild, 2. Moderate low, 3. Moderate high, 4. High, 5. Extreme, 6. Insane, 7. Retardation and 8. URBDICT!!

Some signs of urbdiction are:

1. Uncontrolled usage of urban dictionary for a creepy amount of times a day.
2. Creating new definitions nonstop even if they make no utter sense.
3. Killing someone for insulting Urban Dictionary for even the slightest bit.
4. Having a goal to meet Aaron Peckham one day and thinking that you are meant to be aka marriage.
5. Would sacrifice your life for Urban Dictionary,
6. Worshipping Urban Dictionary aka following urbdism.
Doctor: Hows everything?
Urbdict: Recently I've been so addicted to Urban Dictionary that I flunked college, but its ok.
Doctor: Umm, you have mild urbdiciton, beware.

3 years later

Doctor: Have you beat ur addiciton?
Urbdict: I broke up with my wife for the sake of Urban Dicitonary.
Doctor: OMG, you need professional help for moderate Urbdiction!

2 years later:

Doctor: Any progress?
Urbdict: Sorry to say but I killed a person who said Aaron Peckham is a nerd!!!
Urbdict: *suicides*
Doctor: *sighs* There is a new pandemic worse than corona named URBDICTION!
by lord of the words 446 December 13, 2020
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someone who is addicted to urban dictionary, or someone who checks urban dictionary once a day
Jayson is such an urbdict he is on urban dictionary every hour.
by ryansoxfan August 7, 2007
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newly submitted words and terms are officially awarded this as soon as the great Urban Dictionary editors grant them their approval
When a term is accepted by UD editors (who are so sexy) for inclusion in Urban Dictionary, it is said to have received an 'urbdict induct'.
by Emerson Crossjostle March 17, 2013
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