Tristed is when you’re simultaneously a trusted business advisor and twisted off that Hennessy.
Joe gave some tristed advice to the CEO.
by Tristed Advisor January 3, 2019
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(adjective) To be sad
Estoy muy triste
I am very sad
by Bob Holmes February 7, 2004
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Curtis has been jerking off and crying for the past seven days. He got trist nigga!!!
by (Snine, Dirtbag) June 22, 2007
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A typo made when people mean to say trust but they forget to reread.
Jp2050: Trist me.
Animage: I wouldn't trist you m8.
by jp2050 May 10, 2008
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Usually a desperate male caucasian with a small cock, who proceeds to find the "innocent little fire bush sister" and penetrate her vaginal cavity. after several pumps (1-3) he blows his sticky jizz in a oversized condom.
Chris was being quite tristeful when he boned the middle Sheehan.
by Karl Winslow September 8, 2003
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