a fucking thot but don’t be mean say tot not thot
your a fucking tot
by Ayoooo August 29, 2019
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Nick - Dude I just gave Dirk 20 dollars to pee his pants!

Dylan - Hella tot dude!

Nick - Yeah hella tot!
by Mike Whock March 7, 2008
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a nickname for a breast, a boob, a titty, also can be used plurarly as "tots".
"Whoa! I just want to squeeze her tots"
"Man...she's a tot monster"
by Reni November 25, 2005
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The indentation between your tailbone and your cornhole; it is the counterpart to 'taint'.

Some Helpful Information: A lot of smelly stress gets built up in your tot (especially if you're a huge fatty and have trouble reaching it), so make sure to keep your tot clean! (and you should probably also lose some weight if you experience the aforementioned impetus to tot-cleanliness.)
This PSA brought to you by the Clean Your Tot! Alliance Foundation - helping to keep tots clean for a fresher tomorrow.
by Goobersmichael March 4, 2010
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"Are you going to dude's party?"
by mizzity May 20, 2003
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I tot him that
by pippy June 13, 2003
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Anyone you dont like and is very homosexually gay....other names could consist of faggot..homo..jewbag (see jewbag)..doochbag..gay boy..or just plain homosexual gay fag dooch-jew bag faggot!!!!
I mean seriously if u ever heard anyone call u a tot what do you think it means.
Your such a tot!
Why do u always got to be suck a TOT?
Can you please stop being suck a tot for one minute?
Your acting very totish today.
by C-Mitch September 3, 2005
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