To be extra drunk to the point of leaning over anything.
Son I was mad toped last night!!!
by Baby Bey February 27, 2010
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when a guy is fucking a girl and his dick gets lost in her fat rolls
shit did you see that girl that adam toped?
by sammy bernstein August 17, 2007
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Short for isotoping
When teens enrich uranium and sell it to foreign nationals.
First discovered by the onion news network's program - beyond the Facts.

1 in 5 teens do this.
Teen 1: Let's enrich uranium, sell it to terrorists and make money.

Teen 2: Hell yeah, i love toping - i get a natural high.

* Terrorist attack*
by Lil fission February 17, 2011
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Toping, Short for Isotoping, is the act of illegally enriching uranium, often with the goal of selling it to terrorist countries. It is becoming a teen craze, comparable to drug use, with students bragging to each other about how much nuclear material they "toped" the night before.
Person 1: Hey, you coming to Mike's Toping party tonight?
Person 2: Yeah, it's gonna be awesome - You got any safety goggles? I left mine at Sam's house last week.
by Blobby101 February 26, 2011
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Head apparel enthusiast, total playa and overall badass. Expert driver but can pilot if necessary. Enjoys excessive speed. Knows importance of Bros before Hoes. Good in bed. However, shit at pool.
Oii slow down, you are driving like a topee
by #bigdickedzak July 21, 2013
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to be tight and dope at the same time.
i am a tope baller. I am tope at video games. That is a tope shirt man.
by joe mccurdy November 11, 2007
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