Norwegian word for a bitch. Not used as a curse thoug.
by kjellsor June 7, 2004
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Google's 2007 April fools joke.

Free wireless internet straight from your toilet
Dumb Person "Hey man, have you heard about Google's new TiSP?"
Not Dumb Person "APRIL FOOLS, You got just owned by Google"
by stevedub April 2, 2007
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A word without a definition but according to some souless creatures it is a unit of measurement used in recipe for dishes I fear what are made of.
Add one tisp to that boiling cauldron
by Darteous April 1, 2013
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It's da shit! BEST April Fool's joke on the 'Net in MANY years!
Flushing in the high-speed, broadband hood w/Google TiSP on April Fool's Day 2007 was da shit!
by s6 April 2, 2007
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