A thirst responder is someone who follows the firefighters in on a scene of a crime or a crisis with a water bottle and they really hate that hes there. Cause he just squirts all the people in the face that are in peril and the firefighters are like we are trying to save this person. The thirst responder is like "They look thirsty to me" and he like squirts them in the face. The firefighters dont know where he came from but its a sad story when you really go back in time. The poor guy watched someone thirst to death in a building that wasnt on fire. After that he thought anyone who was in trouble is probably thirsty so he carries water and Gatorade around with him. The police just cant catch him cause hes wanted for a lot of things like not being the place where hes supposed to be
by Vadoom335 October 29, 2017
Bryce didn't even wait an hour after jen ended her relationship to ask her out. He's such a thirst responder.
by Yesitwo August 31, 2017
A man who will reliably and appropriately respond to a tastefully thirsty snapchat and/or text when a lady is in the mood for positive attention.
by merbb September 9, 2020
Somebody who drives a firetruck full of beer and/or soda to quench the thirst of partygoers and neighborhood rockstars.
The thirst responders rolled up in Ladder 419, started serving ice cold drinks and the party got started.
by Tapped419 June 22, 2023