An alias for orchestra. Orchestra is an enormously disturbing class that
shouldn't be said, or even typed. It is such a disgrace to be there.
Me: ugh we have to go there next!
Taylor: aww I don't wanna go there!
Me: me neither!!
Taylor: there sucks
by Ilovestalkee!! February 15, 2009
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A place, that, once entered, cannot be exited. It is an anomaly that can only be explained by vague expressions and questions.
"Sometimes, I wonder when I'm gonna get T H E R E. You know, that place that you can go to, but don't have to, and sometimes you want to go HERE instead of THERE."
It's a place where sometimes your soul wanders in, and you can tell when you're T H E R E by how gummy worms taste when you're T H E R E . In fact, arguably the only way to know if you're T H E R E or not is if you have an entire bag of jelly worms.

It's very important that you learn if you're T H E R E or H E R E, because it CAN AND WILL be a matter of LIFE and MEMES.
"I want to go T H E R E", "THERE is a great place." "Let me tell you, we're gonna make T H E R E great again."
by The T H E R E Wizard July 17, 2016
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tell me what youd do to me if i were there
by Krkič February 9, 2020
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1. that way, over at that place
2. better
1.Over there I saw a dog
2. There we go
by JumboJimboFat March 21, 2003
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Boy: omg, this is way to hard

Girl: don't worry, you'll get there!
by mdawg580282 January 3, 2012
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Usually used by illiterate 13 year olds on the net, meaning there's - there is.
Person: "There's"
13 year old: LOL WOT DUS DAT MEAN?
by I'mAnonymous March 3, 2008
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(Verb) To bother someone with too much "Bro"ness.

(IE when annoyed or offended by an OC d-bag with neck tatoos, jacked up lifted truck, too much UFC, too much Tap Out T shirts, beach cruiser in the back of the monster lifted truck)

Can be used as "Bro~ther" as to annoy perster and generally to bother someone.
Stop bro~thering me about your lifted truck

Quit bro~thering me about your Nickelback concert tickets

Your Bro'ness is starting to bro~ther me

The amount of gel you use to spike your hair is somewhat bro~thering.
by LakerHATER916 April 25, 2010
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