when a male sticks his thumb up another males asshole and the other male sticks his thumb up the other guys asshole and then they thumb wrestle
Rob and Austen lashered and rob lost
by George November 18, 2004
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One who exits a social situation quickly without saying goodbye

A thief
Where did you go you lasher?

He stole all my shit the lasher.
by Dr Merkin October 13, 2008
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lasher ... a beor ( womaon ) who is very pleasing to the eye.
jaysus lads look at that lasher there, i wouldn't mind a lash of her.

I never knew jerys sister was such a lasher.
by Jason July 1, 2004
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lasher(donkey) blackpool fans still trying to legalsise beastiality
by nick November 14, 2004
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to be very selfish. When one is a lasher they like to take and never give back. Such as in terms of girls. A lasher will bang everyone and claim them from all his friends. In the eyes of a lasher sharing is NOT caring
Stop being a lasher and let me have some sloppy seconds on mora.
by Dark Danny Brown February 16, 2007
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Lasheration - an injury, specifically a laceration, obtained whilst drunk, or 'on the lash'.
Mate, I went out on the lash last night, drank 34 VKs in two minutes, pulled 42 birds, got a kebab and chundered all over an old woman's doorstep. Then I slipped over on my own vomit and cut my knee open. It was a well bad lasheration
by Lashley Cole June 11, 2011
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