The pairing of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes from the Captain America movies. The most popular of the fanon marvel ships, stevebucky was the first marvel ship to feature on Tumblr’s most reblogged ship of the year, the first to reach 50000 fan fictions on archiveofourown, and is easily the most mainstream or widely known of the non canon ships.

Shippers of the pairing are typically drawn to the star crossed lovers aspect of the relationship as well as the undying love between the two. Fans have also pointed out how the relationship between the two mirrors that of traditional romantic relationships and relationships that other couples have even in the Mcu.
Stevebucky is canon and no one can convince me otherwise
by CapCubed September 1, 2020
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the ship name for steve rogers and bucky barnes.

they are secret lovers who are really bad at hiding their affection and have been in love for well over 70 years.

yet, the mcu are salty and always make steve lonely by losing bucky in literally every movie that they're in together - making this a very hectic yet complex ship.
"stevebucky > buckynat and that isn't an opinion, it's a fact."

"marvel need to give stevebucky a happy ending bc if not - i'm suing."

"steve and bucky are so in love it's hilarious."
by 54345543 May 31, 2018
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Steven Rogers' (Captain America) and Bucky Barnes' (The Winter Soldier/White Wolf) ship name. It is first seen in Captain America: The First Avenger when Bucky saves Steven from getting beat up in an alley. It continues throughout every movie they are in together.
person 1: did you see infinity war??
person 2: yeah dude stevebucky was alive and boppin
by the REAL loki laufeyson April 28, 2018
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ship name for steve rogers (aka captain america) and bucky barnes (aka his best friend aka his lover)
make stevebucky canon you cowards
by bucky's goat June 14, 2018
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Also know as the stevebucky holy grail, this phrase commonly refers to the iconic fan fiction series "Not Easily Conquered" or "NEC" by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears on AO3, focusing on the pairing of Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier) from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The 3 installments (A Long Winter, The Thirteen Letters, Not Easily Conquered) cover an alternate timeline for the characters where Bucky had written love letters to Steve, and has become well known in the fandom for its beautiful prose, gathering its own sub-fandom.
Person A: I've never read NEC.
Person B: How could you not? It's the stevebucky bible!

Person A: 'I know when to walk away from a fight and trying my damnedest not to need him was a losing battle.'
Person B: Where's that from?
Person A: 'So how long have I loved you for? womb to tomb, sweetheart. since before I was even here at all.'
Person B: Oh, of course!!! The stevebucky bible!
by ilovedyoufirst February 2, 2021
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