I can't believe that until now there's no definition.

Speed Sex is getting drove on large amounts of methamphetamine (speed) and having marathon sex featuring all sorts of strange, kinky, unusual acts resulting in a series of intense rushes that are equal to a regular orgasam and culminating in a hands-over-your-head rollercoaster death-drop mind blowing orgasm (hopefully). Hopefully because that big one can be very elusive and you might not get it but if you do... oh boy. Even if you don't it's still an E-ticket ride.
We locked up in a room for two days having speed sex.
by C55 December 10, 2017
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Sixty-eight. Because when you reach sixty-nine, you have to turn around.
I know. Lame.
Dude: Last night I broke the speed limit of sex.
Guy: 69?
Dude: Yep.
Guy: How lame...
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