The ablility to fight drunkenness and become more awake and able to function with out help.
After a long night of heavy drinking, Kevin was able to soberize, and was able to stay up the rest of the night and party on.
by Kevin E. May 15, 2006
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A state in which you are not under the influence of any intoxicating substance.
When you aren't drunk, stoned, or tripping.
by Evil Bella March 5, 2005
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something that is so indescribably boring, that it has the ability to strip the alcohol from a human body therefore rendering the person involved completely sober.
by Kat and Henry November 5, 2005
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A disease caused by a lack of alcohol in the system. Symptoms include logic, reasoning and the ability to say 'no' to a game of strip poker.

Can be cured by a visit to the local pub
Person A: Help! I cant distinguish the difference between a woman and a dog!

Person B: Sounds like a bad case of soberity. you'd better visit the doctor
by Kris September 20, 2003
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Not drinking alcohol. This term does not apply to drugs.
"I'm sober but I sure ain't clean!"
by Flopings March 25, 2017
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