The most badass boss that you'll ever fight for hours on end with only three people because bungie forgot how to count to six for an entire DLC.
"Man did you see Skolas?"
"Yeah most disappointing boss fight of the year"
by Skolasassy September 29, 2015
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Coolest discord user from hawai'i, ain't nobody like skolas. He's a 3x veteran and has survived hiroshima in 3 alternate timelines. skolas also has an amazing 12th sense being able to tell whteher or not you are 18+ or not.
skolas is such a cool dude.
by skolas May 29, 2020
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A place in Sweden where they give you crippling depression.
Do you want to go to the skola?

Hell nah, that place gives me crippling depression!
by Wunderbaum February 25, 2020
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the swedish word for school, and the skola sucks.
the skola is relly bad and it sucks
by juruf March 19, 2018
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BI-sher bernard taylor , professionally known as Skola or Skola Ayee, is an American rapper from Southwest ,Philadelphia .Skola ayee is 14 years old he was born in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania on 2007, March 19 at 8:02 am , at Temple hospital , He late started rapping 2017 and start to take it serious 2020 he dropped a single song name Stan remix and a ep called stay focus and last late September 2021 he drop a song called rockstar pain , just late February 5 2022 he drop a single , music video called pain less . He is a young up and coming artist and his skill in developing and taken music to the next level he found his own sound and he is

Versatile , he is more on pain type beats and slow guitar and trap guitar, a lil bit of drill .
Skola ayee is the next big thing.
Skola ayee is the next big thing in the hip hop culture
by Skola ayee March 8, 2022
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Ett ställe som är viktig men samtidigt mycket farlig. Det är ett ställe som gör nåt för mänskligheten i framtiden ( lär ut unga mäniskor så att dom kan utväckla saker och ting i farmtiden när dom blir vuxna). Den har människor som jobbar i en och dom kallas lärare. Det farliga är att lärarna vill/ försöker göra det till nåt väre en helvet. det är som ett lärorikt helvete.
- gissa vad jag lärde mig i skolan idag.
- okej... hmmmm få se . Ja, du lärde dig nåt.
-rätt! Men vad lärde jag mig?
- det vet jag inte.
-Jo jag lärde mig att 1+1 =2 och att när man går ut ettan så ska man va med om skottlosning. det lärde jag mig i skolan.
-VAD sa du? vAR det SkOTtLoSnING i skolan .

- Ja så klart kolla på min hand.
by have i rigth June 11, 2020
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It's kinda like Auschwitz. But whitout the jews and the German guards. The food is also pretty bad. They must have burnt alot of jews because we still get to eat them at lunch. It's burnt and it tastes like old ass hair.
German kid: So where did you go to school?
Me: Nordmarkens Skola.
German kid: WOW! My grandpa worked there. He was the chef. But he just burnt the food.
Polish kid: WOW! My grandma went there. But she was only there for 1 week. She got lost after
by HerpesInSpinalCord#99% December 5, 2019
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