Someone who is desirable in every aspect, both physical features and personality; rejected at times by those who are unable to handle such magnitude of awesome.
OMG that chick looks hella Shardy!
by Merkyluv July 31, 2012
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shady shitty uncool and not something desired

"That fucker gave me a shardy bike"

"You're ripping me off!!! I won't take a shardy deal"
by Angelik July 31, 2008
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could also be referred to as shawty
or a crazy obsessed jonas brothers's fan who falls down the stairs when they see the flawless ninja bear jack lawless
watch out for girls named shardie.
shardies like a melody in ma head.
or OMJ shardie from team jonas met joe jonas waaaaaa :O
by milesbian. August 7, 2010
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Hey, you there, your my shardi!
by Timothy December 3, 2003
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Female Methamphetamine Addict.

Often found endlessly primping and prepping themselves in front of the mirror, trying to clear up that one zit that's now the size of a dime because she wont leave it alone. Sometimes found clustered in hotel rooms with coloring books and three thousand colored pens. They skinny with bones and all, cause they don't eat. What teeth? Is that why they don't eat?
Aaawww, look, the shardy barbies have made up after one of them cut their shit with bath salts and gave everyone the worst week ever.
by White Trash Astronaut December 31, 2020
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A slang term for ketamine, used by addicts to display their love for the shards of ketamine
similar to the term "shawty", however it instead refers to ketamine

i wrote this while being in love with shardy!
i was hanging out with shardy and whew! i feel like a horse alright
by shardylover October 25, 2023
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A woman that combines the dancing skills of Shakira and Cardy B ..
(Inspired by Natty)
Shardy B: yoo look at that one she a Shardy
by MasterFalco April 18, 2018
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