-get someones number
-make someone your girl/dude
Man#1: Yo, go tell shorty I said wasup.
Man#2: Chilllll doggie, I'ma 'bout ta go scoop that up!
by da-realist-bitch January 10, 2004
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To take a good idea and make it one's own.
Letting the employees work from home is a great idea. We should scoop it up.
by P0rkchop June 28, 2013
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homie #1: aye foo come scoop me up dawgg.
homie #2: orite foo ill be there in 10.
by lilpuppet June 7, 2010
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Verb. To provide one with an update on the latest news, events and/or happenings concerning an individual, social group or organization. The term first originated in Boston, Massachusetts.
Example 1: "What's the latest goss Phaedra? Scoop me up girl!"
Example 2: "Hey bro, what's been happening since I last saw you? Scoop me up Orli!"
Example 3: "I missed the last episode of Jersey Shore and American Idol, scoop me up on what went down!"
by Black Atlas May 27, 2010
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Anthony will scoop up the kids at 6 pm.
by Joie November 30, 2016
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Adj: Used to describe a female that is currently in a relationship with someone else
Jon: "Look at Tonya over there, she's lookin fine"

Bobby: "Don't bother, she got scooped up just last week"
by BMoney January 29, 2005
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