She’s perfect. Everything about her will melt your heart. Her smile will light up a room. Just by looking at a Sanskriti, you want to smile. She’s caring, sweet, smart and beautiful. She’s quiet at first, but when you get closer, she’s a crazy wierdo that you love anyway. Once you’re friends with her, you feel as if your life is complete. Many people have a crush on her, but she only marries the sweetest guy that makes her smile just by looking at her. She’s so sensitive and thoughtful that even if she does a simple thing like not smile at you, she’ll feel terrible and apologise. Everyone needs a Sanskriti in his or her life. If you date her, consider yourself lucky. She’s acctually the most perfect human alive.
Nathan: she’s beautiful. I’m gonna ask her out.

Emma: yep, she’s Sanskriti. You’ll be lucky if she says yes.
by Flying fish August 30, 2018
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Sanskriti is derived from the word sanskrit, which is a historical language of India. Sanskriti is a smart, multi-talented, creative, hardworking, and friendly person. She respects all cultures (and actually wants to get a Korean boyfriend) and is very open minded. Her musical taste is excellent. She helps her friend in any way she can, despite the fact that it is not her area of expertise. Her inquisitiveness is also high. If you have a friend named Sanskriti, please respect her and do not argue with her because you will never win.
Sanskriti, please review your playlist it's not that good.
by JT_02 November 23, 2021
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if encounter, slide cancel.

absolutely sticky. please do not wear cowskin near her at risk of french and neck stab wounds.

do not find yourself in the same apartment as her post the hours of 1 am on any given day.

if Pakistani, ensure no cousin relations before rizz
Hey, did you see Sanskriti absolutely beat the fuck out of that random guy?

Yeah, I heard he was punched in the nose and slapped 6 times. She even stole his leather jacket!

Oh man, classic Sanskriti. Check your necks guys!
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The awesome one!
The one who's liked by all and has a rocking sense of humor!

Sanskritis are emotional and get attached easily.

They have to wait a bit for true love but finally find the 'perfect' one.
They are really cute and bubbly!

There friendship is really desirable.
love awesome haha sanskriti
by geminiluvs February 13, 2014
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Culture, Princess, Goddess. Sanskriti is the epitome of beauty and intelligence. Used to define someone capable and brave enough to conquer the world.
Sanskriti usually refers to someone with black hair and a charming, caring personality.
A Sanskriti can sometimes be too judgy but that is part of their charm.
Boy: OMG you are so smart and intelligent youre def a sanskriti
Girl: She's so caring and judgy she is no doubt a Sanskriti
by dedlne May 26, 2024
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