I absolute chad, who can win any argument no problem. His slhong is probably about 20 feet and is the most cultured person on the planet. He also can last for 5 hours, ladies?
I want to meet Samay, he is such a cool dude!

I want him to lick my asshole.
by SuperSamboy May 28, 2020
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Meaning- TIME, but doesn't even last for 5 secs so always cheated by her brother/bf.
Loves his brother and ex.
Breaks trust of bff twice and then becomes a saint.
Studies for hours and cancels hangouts.
Shows maturity everywhere, even while taking birth.
Samay boht samay leta hai har cheez mein.
by me.spammin_ December 10, 2021
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An amazing girl, perfect as only she can, if you got one day with him, you have to now for sure, it will be the best day of your live.
She is so beautiful.
Samay it's of Arturo as he is of she
by Boyfriend of Samy ❤️ June 14, 2021
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To flop like a fish. A fiasco similar to planking, except in this case, one must flap his/her arms all around the place and attempt to move somewhere. For those extremists, growing gills is a plus.
Person 1: Omg mate, that Dominic over there just did THE most epic Samay in the world!

Person 2: I wish I could Samay that well :(
by DaSwagBawse December 13, 2011
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A pretty girl that gets alot of love and a loyal girl with a big pretty heart
Samai is a pretty girl that is loyal also awesome and a big heart with alot of love
by By Joshua November 29, 2017
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Samai is the name of a beautiful queen that through controversy and hardship had accomplished a lot for herself and captivated a young king with her charm, intelligence and heart.
I really want to have a woman like Samai in my life.
by MR. DUBAI May 10, 2018
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Samais is a nice girl she has a lot of butt and she has a clean big toe and fat ass foot and she has big ass lips soo
Samais hass buttt
by Samais January 6, 2020
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