It is an anoying male human. Posibly the most anoying one because:

1.Has a really squeaky voice like a hamster, rabbit or any small creature.

2.Talks, acts and looks like a girl.

3. Can easily piss off any person very easily.
"Naraman is acting like a Russlan and he wouldn't shut the hell up!"
by Andre January 6, 2005
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Russlan or "Russssslan the thickies" - full name of Ruslan, which also means winner.

Also, Russlan is the 13th zodiac sight.
Person A: Who is ur zodiac sight?
Person B: Russlan
Person A: Oh! we should meet up.
by Oleg - Meme boy February 25, 2021
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Master of the most scariest, evilest, most powerful power of ALL, SIEZURES!
Oh no... the russlan is back...
by They call me Unnon April 28, 2005
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