Person: Where's Rasmus?
Person 2: Everyone calls him Rasse just use that.
by may may dud November 4, 2019
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Rasse aka Rasmus is a typical farmers name. Love to mjölka ko and drive traktor.
by TMTMTLBabwe June 10, 2020
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To be refering to the bum. West Indian's use it in a slang when they are mad.
O rass....someone juss put a dent in my car.
by Peter February 27, 2003
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1.West Indian term referring to the behind.
2.Can also be a word used to enhance any sentence.
3.Used when angry
4.Creole for ass
1.Yuh rass tuh big deh...means:your ass is too big there
2.This rass ting nah gud fuh none rass money...rass! means: This thing isn't good for any amount of money
3.Rass! You nah geh none idea how had meh wuk fuh this rass thing! means:you don't have any idea how hard I worked for this thing.
4.rass means ass.
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Used as an intensifier.

Used as a response to a shocking stimulus.
Intensifier: "Rass my legs jus' got blown off!"

"Yo man put ur pants back on!"
Shock-response wud be: "rass i daint even notice!"
by Esq. January 12, 2004
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