a physics teacher playing a makeshift guitar made out of a plastic box and elastic bands using a badly damaged violin bow
the physics teacher has been quiffing for an hour
by obvsval February 21, 2023
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To make love to the quiff in a girl's hair.
Me: you got your haircut?! Wtf I thought we were gonna do some quiffing tonight?

Her: sorry I had to get new headshots!
Me: fine I'll go to a wig shop. Can I have a loan of your hairspray tonight tho?
by Conye October 21, 2017
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A "vaginal fart". Typically caused by the compression of air in the vagina during intercourse.
He: Did you just fart?
She: No, that was a quife
by Dradle November 20, 2008
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a fart from the vagina usually during sexual intercourse when the penis stimulates the farthest point of the vagina
-Dude, what the f**k was that!
-Just a quife.
by Josh Lioliodis April 8, 2003
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Air built up inside a woman's danger zone, that bursts out when movement occurs. This is prominately found when a man "hits is from the back," or "doggystyle." Then the woman moves to another position.
A quif usually happens while women are thinking of what's going to happen on the next friends, did I turn the oven off, and wondering when this is going to end.
by duck February 8, 2005
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