Commonly used to get 136 in words with friends. Also when you're just having an awesome time.
Last night I was quating so hard.
What the hell does quate even mean?
by frizzyoo April 22, 2011
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Person 1: hey are you still going to track and field?
Person 2: no, I quat
by Carpet crust April 7, 2022
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A girl that makes you hate her more than any other female you've ever met. A combination of a queef, twat, and cunt.
"Did that quat really just grab my boyfriend's ass?"
by mopetes September 29, 2011
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A degenerate who likes wiping his/her rectum ONCE before dropping the toilet paper in the bowl.
Donny: "Yo, Ryan we need more toilet paper. I used the last piece."
Ryan: "Ew, you fucking quat. Did you only wipe once?"

Tina: "You're a fucking racist."
Max: "And you're a fucking quat."
by Alt-Libertarian February 3, 2017
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1) A phrase used in times of emotional distress or great happiness.

2) The best thing since the blender.
When the bus hit the bump, the small rodent screamed, "QUATS!"
by Quats McBlender December 2, 2010
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A zit or pimple. As seen in William Shakespeare's "Othello".
"I have rubbed this young quat almost to the sense, and he grows angry." Iago, "Othello", V.i.11-12
by IagoDeBergerac January 19, 2012
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When you fart, queef, burp, and sneeze all at the same time.
Dude I just made a wet quat.
by Heydude28 February 4, 2017
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