When one "Pulls a Rob"it means they are telling you something that you obviously already know. Not only does doing that make you angry, but it also makes you hate the person drastically more than you did before.
"Hey did you hear that the Colts won the SuperBowl?"
"Yes you retard. Don't ever Pull a Rob again."
by Matt Cunningham February 24, 2008
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The act of stealing on of your friend's girlfriends/boyfriends.
"Whoa did you hear about Kelly? Matt and Chantal just broke up and the next day she was dating him already!"

"No way! She was pulling a rob?!"

"Yeah man."
by lynndsey January 4, 2008
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The act of stealing on of your friend's girlfriends/boyfriends.
"Whoa did you hear about Kelly? Matt and Chantal just broke up and the next day she was dating him already!"

"No way! She was pulling a rob?!"

"Yeah man."
by lynndsey January 4, 2008
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When you get so banged up that you end up taking home a 3
Nigel : Have you seen Josh ?

Kevin : yeah I seen him Pulling a Rob
by Brian___69 October 2, 2019
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When someone sends a Meme to group chat when it was already sent.
Matt you pulling a rob I sent that 6 hours ago
by Cramera339 July 16, 2021
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Stealing someones body from out of a casket.
Dylan pulled a Rob on his dead BOI at his funeral.
by STDOverload January 25, 2018
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speaking poorly about a person without realizing you are in the presence of someone related to that person
Don't pull-a-Rob about the kicker, his family is sitting right behind us!
by JSam77 June 20, 2010
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