The act of doing a project.
I am projecticating today. I have to do laundry, wash dishes, help the children.
by RebekahRH September 19, 2006
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Projection (Psychological)

1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial.

2) A way to blame others for your own negative thoughts by repressing them and then attributing them to someone else. Due to the sorrowful nature of delusion and denial it is very difficult for the target to be able to clarify the reality of the situation.

3) A way to transfer guilt for your own thoughts, emotions and actions onto another as a way of not admitting your guilt to yourself.
Projection (Psychological)

1) Believing that someone else does not like you when it is indeed you that does not like them. By projecting this onto another you ascribe the negativity of the thoughts/feelings onto them so your ego does not have to admit the deficiency of your own thought processes.

2) A person in a relationship meets someone else out of spite for their partner and then forms an attachment to the person they have met; they then accuse their partner of infidelity (or at least considering the idea) so that they do not have to admit to themselves or anyone else that they have already cheated in their own mind.

3) Repeatedly attacking someone with the ideas that they are: Cold, Arrogant, Selfish, Anti-social and Negative as a way of not admitting to yourself that these appear to be some of your most dominant traits.

4) Telling someone who is clearly in love with you that they are “unworthy of your love”. When in reality you have doubts within yourself that you are worthy of any love and due to this will attack and destroy any true love that exists towards and/or within you.

by sandy28 May 7, 2010
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Aye vato you know Carlos? Yeah man he lives out in the projects.
by Big Penny Droppin Poppin December 11, 2015
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A place where poor people live which is usually government-owned. The area is filled with drug dealers,
prostitutes and bad violence.
I live in the Queensbridge projects.
by barrington7463 October 7, 2010
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11. Psychology. a. the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself, or to regard external reality as embodying such feelings, thoughts, etc., in some way.
b. Psychoanalysis. such an ascription relieving the ego of a sense of guilt or other intolerable feeling.
Some believe that every human interpretation of social reality is merely a projection of one's own internal state. A process of becoming self-realized is taking responsibility for one's own projection.
by Daemone Darker March 3, 2009
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when you point out actions in someone else, that really are the things that YOU do
J loves to blame others for lying, or being an "enigman" of sorts, when it is really all of his own insecurities and faults that he is projecting
by Meadow Soprano September 23, 2005
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The real definition:Public housing or project homes is a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a government authority, which may be central or local. Although the common goal is to maintain affordable housing, the details of the arrangements differ between countries, and so does the terminology.

My definition for projects is the trap, a struggle, livin pay check to paycheck, tryin to make it out of there. Goverment owned so they can tell you to get out at anytime. Fighting to stay alive. Pretending to be blinde because if you see something you not suposed to all you can do is turn your head and not say shit. A lot of funerals, nobody cares, hustlin to make a living, and depressing.
Caliope, Magnolia,St. Bernard, Iberville, Lafitte,Desire, Guste, Fischer, and scattered-site housing like Press Park and Christopher Homes.

I'm from caliope projects and the best thing that ever happened to me in the projects was gettin out.
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