To delay inevitable pwnage, esp. in a game where you're playing a noob but you at least give him a chance
I was playing this noob, but I was feeling nice that day so I postpwned him.
by dhfbednchfb March 1, 2010
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An act of retroactive pwning. A delayed pwnage.
Laura: Yeah well you have sand bag tits!
Jessica: Dude she left the room...
Laura: Yeah she just got postpwned!
by Asabukie February 9, 2008
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1. To be pwned after the fact.
2. pownage after the fact.
Teddy was postpwned 2 days after the initial pwnage
by $pikalus Mencia February 15, 2008
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Alternate to postpone, primarily used in online gaming.
BBL NEED FOOD!@ match postpwnd.
by px May 7, 2005
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When the difference of who wins a soccer game is determined by a single goal, the goal which would have tied or won the game, the ball hits the goalpost causing that team to lose or tie the game by a mere inch or so.
Jon: Did your team win the soccer game this morning?

Avery: No, we got postpwned. With two minutes to go, we were down 2-1, and my shot bounced right off the post.

Jon: Ouch, that sucks.
by AWH Referee June 10, 2009
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to be pwned so badly that you don't notice it until later.
What Casey said about Eric's mom didn't seem hurtful at first, but, when he got home, Eric realized that he had been postpwned.
by GandalftehWhite February 15, 2009
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the shame and/or sadness one feels after they have been pwned.
person 1: what's his problem?

person 2: oh, don't mind him, he's just postpwned.
by seldom dark April 7, 2009
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