v. to shorten the lifespan of a computer significantly by viewing excessive amounts of pornography. Very similar to catching a STD but for your computer. Making it extremely complicated and frustrating to stream music, movies or any website.
enducing your computer into a pornographic "coma"
enducing your computer into a pornographic "coma"
bro 1: "Dude did you jump on the computer and watch the new episode of Tim and Eric?"
bro 2: " I would thoroughly enjoy that but I've porned my computer to death
bro 2: " I would thoroughly enjoy that but I've porned my computer to death
by frankyfarts May 20, 2010
"Dude, I was streaming Law & Order from some sketchy website last night in the living room, and I got porned!! I can't believe the volume wasn't on mute and my Grandmother was sitting right next to me!"
by yungsalvage April 12, 2018
the past tense form of the verb porn which is 1)the act of looking at porn. 2) a word to describe the act of looking up, searching for porn on the internet
see also the gerund form porning
see also the gerund form porning
1) I got some porn and porned all weekend.
2) I would be more alert today if I hadn't porned all night on my computer.
2) I would be more alert today if I hadn't porned all night on my computer.
by Ryan Sumner February 9, 2006
The only place where ugly fat men have sex with some of the most attractive girls on this plant. There seems to be a high correlation between being pretty and having a low IQ in porn. Some behaviors in porn are mysterious and have an unclear evolutionary explanation, like a girl sucking a penis that was just inside of her ass, or girls being attracted to pizza boys that make 10$ an hour.
by DopamineReceptors April 14, 2019
This porn is good and fresh!
by Funnygirlincanada March 31, 2019
by ThePokemonGamer0 August 13, 2018
by Yaniggabob January 2, 2019